These healings are profoundly strong spiritual cleansings! It’s hard to put into words their ability to remove negative energies and traumas buried deep within our cellular memory. They are even capable of removing traumas from other lifetimes. What I find so beautiful and unique about these healings, is that you receive deep healing while also strengthening the relationship and connection we all have to Mother Earth and the Sacred Plants. It is something that I cannot even express, yet is felt and experienced during these healings. The sacred plants and herbs are placed directly on the physical body to allow for profound cleansing and healing. You will feel amazing afterwards! These heal and cleanse at all levels by removing the accumulation of negative energies held within us and our energy field (auric field). These healings are a full 1.5 hours. I recommend you receive this type of cleansing/healing annually. They are offered in the summer months only.
The cost of these healings includes, $60-80 per person for the flowers, herbs, sacred plants, and other natural ingredients (such as corn, cactus, banana leaves, roses, honey…and many more...). The cost is also based on the multiple hours of preparation for each healing (in addition to the healing session time).