Home Clearings & Protection with Magnetic Grid Alignment

I have been offering Home Clearings for over a decade and have come to the firm belief that everyone should have a home clearing! I offer on-site Home Clearings as well as remote/distance Home Clearings. Energies within our living environment affect us greatly, particularly our mood and energy level. Sometimes there are obvious signs of spiritual energies living among us (Earth bound spirits making themselves known, or other negative entities), but sometimes there are less obvious imbalances within a property. We may notice feelings of being "off" in certain rooms within our home or business, but the imbalance in one room can alter the energy within an entire property. Due to spiritual distortions, tears and vortexes (“portals”), a home can become very uncomfortable to live in and it also leaves those who live in the property, vulnerable. The entire property needs to be cleared and completely cleansed for the well being of those who live or work within the property. Clearing our living environments restores harmony, balance, better communication, increases flow of positive and productive energies. There is less confusion, heaviness, headaches, dizziness, moodiness, and fatigue. 

It is simply not enough to “smudge” our homes (with frankincense, copal, white sage, etc.). Smudging will help for a short while, but without actually closing the vortexes (portals) and correcting the Magnetic Grid for distortions which also provides protection, the home will just return to a negative imbalanced state within a couple weeks after smudging. It’s also important to note that there is also a correct way to “smudge” and incorrect ways. After every home clearing, I provide clients with thorough instructions to maintain the clearing for many years to come.

REMOTE HOME CLEARING (2-3 hour process). These Home Clearings are just as effective as an an On-Site Home Clearing

ON-SITE HOME CLEARING (5-6 hour process, pricing is based on the square footage of the home as well as the total number of mirrors on the property). Submit Contact Form to inquire to receive your quote.