Spiritual Healing & Shamanic Healing (I include modalities in every healing)  

You will receive a complete spiritual healing and cleansing, as well as a shamanic healing (shamanic healing uses many sacred herbs and plant medicine). A spiritual healing & cleansing will help you in a multitude of ways within your life, by allowing you to move forward to your present time. Your healing will remove emotional traumas and blocks you are carrying deep within your cellular memory and within your heart; negative energies and attachments (inside the energy field or within chakras); an accumulation of of disempowering negative thought patterns; manipulation cords that are hindering you from being your true authentic self; chakras will be gently cleared and realigned. Spiritual healing is unlike all other healing modalities. A spiritual healing goes much deeper and at a higher level than other healing modalities, because it is done by God! As a spiritual healing practitioner, I am only “the instrument” and bridge from our 3D world to the spiritual world. I am not the healer. I am a conduit for healing purposes. Spiritual healing is a grace given by God and in this time period it is much needed for so many.

It is my deep desire that you heal this lifetime and realize the immense beauty of your own unique soul. Seeking healing is a courageous act of self-love and an acknowledgment that you are worthy to heal.

Proxy Spiritual Healing & Shamanic Healing

A proxy healing can be done for someone who is unable, or lacks the will, to reach out for help for themselves (often requested for people who have addictions). When requested for a loved one who is in severe emotional pain, or is experiencing mental illness, or inflicting self-harm, these healings can be done from a place of love and compassion. In this present time, many people are experiencing mental illnesses, suicidal thoughts, and other extreme situations.