Spiritual Healing & Shamanic Healing (every healing, I include both types of healing modalities)                                                                   
You will receive a complete spiritual healing as well as a shamanic healing (using sacred herbs). A spiritual healing & cleansing will help you in a multiple of ways within your life, and can help you to move forward. By removing blocks, negative energies, and the mass accumulation of heavy mental energies and negative thought patterns; manipulation from outside of you; emotional issues; stress, anxieties and fear; depression, sadness, or deeply rooted grief. Spiritual cords are cut, chakras cleared, and spiritual attachments removed. A spiritual healing addresses the root cause of the issue, by going deeply into your subconscious mind, and opening the timeline where the imbalances first occurred. A spiritual healing is done only through God’s Divine Grace and you will receive the exact healing that is precise to your situation and needs. You will also receive intuitive guidance during your session.

What is most remarkable about having a spiritual healing is that you will feel a closeness with God, and expand your awareness of yourself and life’s purpose. You will also experience growth in consciousness. This is the main reason that I have chosen to do this work. It is my deepest desire that your heart be opened to God’s Immense Love and to realize the beauty of your soul.


A proxy cleansing can be done for someone who is unable, or lacks the will, to reach out for help for themselves. When requested for a loved one who is in severe emotional pain, or is experiencing mental illness, or inflicting self-harm, these healings can be done from a place of love and compassion. In this present time, many people are experiencing mental illnesses, suicidal thoughts, and other extreme situations. However, I only offer proxy healings in extreme situations. A cleansing or healing must be done for the right reasons and intentions in ALL situations. I must pray and discern as to whether I am able to offer a proxy cleansing. Please submit a “connect form” and I’ll let you know as soon as possible whether this type of cleansing is an option for your loved one.